這是由D.I.G Architects事務所設計的位于日本名古屋的一個住宅項目,它位于一個陡峭傾斜的斜坡地勢上,設計與自然形式回應,不對稱的靈活的空間恢復了場地的動感和生機。這不是一個建造在懸崖上的住宅,而是一個由自然懸崖形式而生的住宅設計。
A small house located on a steep slanting slope. The client simply wanted a life with a blessing of nature nearby and the beautiful townscape in distant. Left only a very narrow flat part which is barely enough for a car, the site was steeply sloped down, almost like a cliff. We first had an idea to excavate the ground to generate a living space. Corresponding the nature form, heterogeneous and flexible space would retrieve the enchantment of the site. Not a house constructed on a cliff, but a habitat generated by the nature form of the cliff.
英文名稱:K House
建筑設計:D.I.G Architects
建筑地址:日本 名古屋
攝 影 師:Tomohiro Sakashita